
Grand goals keep you focused

Setting challenging goals will make you grow.

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.” – Henry David Thoreau

We all have the potential to become the best version of ourselves. We have the power inside our brains to map our paths to our desired destiny. As a NeuroEngineer, I am so passionate about human potential.

Scholars and scientists have argued on so many subjects under the sun but the depth or limit to human potential.

There is no limit to how far we can go as long as we are still alive. Potential is an emergent property because it emerges every time we challenge ourselves and push beyond our current strengths and skills.

We must learn from nature. Trees don’t grow halfway and say, “Sorry, I can’t do this anymore, it’s winter and I’m also tired.”

It sends its roots deeper into the soil and stretches its branches as far and as wide as it can. It doesn’t do half-measures. Human beings, however, with all the resources and powerful brains, doubt themselves and focus on why it can’t be done and instead of why it must be done and do it.

There is nothing wrong with building castles in the air, as long as you can build strong foundations under them. How do you build strong foundations under your grand goals?

Here are a few ideas:

1. Work on your well-being. Exercise: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

2. Set challenging goals. These goals will challenge you outside of your comfort zone, where growth is.

3. Get a mentor and/ or coach who will help guide you and act as an accountability partner.

4. Schedule your daily activities because if not scheduled, it won’t get done.

These steps can get you started.

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