Are you using your strength to empower?

Use your strength to open the door for someone, not to close it on them.

“My strength did not come from lifting weights. My strength came from lifting myself up when I was knocked down.” – Bob Moore

Use your strength to open the door for someone, not to close it on them. Use your strength to pick and lift someone up, not to kick them down. Use your strength to make someone happy, not to hurt them. Use your strength to provide light, not to cast darkness. Use your strength to bring hope not despair.

You were not born to destroy but to build. Yes, you were done wrong, hurt, kicked-down, ridiculed, treated like dirt, but always, I mean all the time, remember that it could have been worse! Find comfort in that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. God has a much bigger and better plan for you that’s why he gave you the strength and courage to survive it all, you passed the tests! These tests were to teach you humility, to be considerate to others, respect and to be a good example to others.

Just imagine for a minute, if the diamond was to have vengeful thoughts against those who dug it out of the ground – from where it was comfortable, separated it from its friends, heat it at extreme high temperatures for purification, clean it, cut it and many other things that it went through, it really wouldn’t have time to enjoy its beauty, love, respect, attention and value it receives from everyone. There’s a huge lesson to this diamond story, learn it!

When I look back at my life, all I see is God’s grace and mercy over my life. There’s no way I could have survived it all on my own. Use your strength to empower others, not to harm them.


Develop yourself and live your dreams

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