Nurture the genius in you

We all have the opportunity to be the best in the world at our crafts.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”- Rumi, philosopher

I truly believe that every single one of us has a genius within. I believe that every single one of us has brilliance within that is longing and screaming to see the light of day. Our main responsibility in this life is to bring out our genius and brilliance that was planted in us long before we were born.

Researchers have found that genius is so much less about your genetics and so much more about your daily habits. One of my favourite eminent psychologists, James Flynn, coined the term ‘capitalisation’ after some research. He found that the best entrepreneurs, footballers, boxers, painters or hip-hop artists are not the most gifted in the room. These individuals just exploit whatever talent they have more than their peers in their industry. I am certain that you have heard of the book titled, Talent is Overrated, by Geoff Colvin in which he outlines what really separates world-class performers from everybody else. This is a superb book about what one precisely needs to excel. This book is not just a dry academic book, it is really alive. You really need to deliberately practise, to excel in your craft. This proves once again that excellence is all about the choices we make.

We all have the opportunity to be the best in the world at our crafts. The question, however, is whether you are willing to structure your life properly and correctly – whether you are willing to install the right mindsets and daily habits to bring on your A-game for the benefit of your life and the world.

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