Step into your greatness

You have greatness within you, you were carefully chosen by God, the Almighty.

“When you seriously focus on what you want, it grows, while what you don’t want diminishes.” – Veli Ndaba

Many of us have established a comfort zone in our lives; we are just coasting along and taking a path of least resistance, just getting by. We have all worked hard to get to where we are and it may seem a very good place to be. The problem with this is that “Once we stop reaching, stretching, seeking and risking… We actually stop growing.”

The comfort zone frame of mind is settling for what we are today. That may be fine today, but “without continued growth…we are all we are ever going to be.” This for me is a fairly disturbing thought.

If you are in a comfort zone, beware. The danger of a comfort zone is that it doesn’t hurt and it might even feel good. Many take that to mean it’s a good place to be, but it’s not. A comfort zone may be what is holding you back from real growth, real accomplishment and your potentially rewarding future.

Always remember that if you are not going in one direction by law of nature you are going in other direction. If you are not creating you are disintegrating.

I am certain you have heard a person saying, “I like things the way they are.” It becomes very clear that that person is advertising the ignorance of the basic law of life, because absolutely nothing in this world stays the way it is. You are God’s special creation – claim your greatness!

You have greatness within you. You were carefully chosen by God the Almighty to represent him here on earth to fully express your gifts and talents. Don’t hold back and doubt yourself – you are enough to get the job done.

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