What gives your life a meaning?

Why don't you join me and my successful friends at Get Inspired Seminar, Emperors Palace on November 14, by booking your seat today, or buy a table with your friends and colleagues and get a recipe to transform your life.

Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be – Luke 12, verse 34.

One of the questions I am often asked by people I coach, who I speak to and those who read my articles in different newspapers is: Why are you always so happy about what you do?

My answer to the question above is found in Luke 12, verse 34. Yes, I searched and found what I love and am doing it. I also add by saying that in order to get what you want you must be willing to give up something for it (money, friends, time on trivial things that don’t add value and other distractions). You attract what you want in life by becoming attractive to it. Think of a loved one who asks for something from you. You do whatever it takes to make sure they get it. So it simply means you cannot just stroll through to your dream, but you must work for it because your life will be empty without it. The unwavering desire and passion you have for something makes you focus on it and lose all the fear and terror of the challenges in front of you.

As long as you do what you do only from Monday to Friday, and between 07:00 to 17:00, you won’t be so good at it, it will just become a boring job and you’ll always look forward to knock-off times and Fridays. If you are really serious about finding that thing that your heart desires, you have to search seriously. I found mine by reading books, attending workshops, seminars and conferences, that’s personal development.

Let me ask you this question: If you were given the amount of money that will take care of you for the rest of your life, would you continue doing what you are doing right now without getting paid for it? Would you really wake up tomorrow being a Monday and with a big smile on your face know for sure that you won’t be getting paid for it but do so for the love of it? If the answer is YES than you are in the right place but if it’s NO, then you have to find that thing that you would be able to look forward to do on a Monday morning with a big smile.

Inspiring people to realise their true potential and achieve their dreams is what I live for, not from Monday to Friday and between 07:00 to 17:00, but every day. It gives my life a meaning.

What gives your life a meaning?

Why don’t you join me and my successful friends at Get Inspired Seminar, Emperors Palace on November 14, by booking your seat today, or buy a table with your friends and colleagues and get a recipe to transform your life. Remember, your dream is calling you.

Veli Ndaba

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