
The Bag Lady

What's the Bag Lady been up to this week?

Considering we are in the middle of winter we really can’t complain about the beautiful warm days we have been experiencing. I’m sure nowhere else in the world has a winter like ours, how fortunate we are.

In the pink

Browsing the shops last week I see dusky pink is coming in, not only in clothing but décor and furnishings too. It’s a very complimentary colour in clothing and is softening for the more mature woman. Wear a soft pink blouse or jersey with a black skirt, the pink colour closer to your skin will brighten your face naturally.

If your lounge has a lot of beige or brown, buy a few pink accessories, such as a fuschia pink cushion or a throw or a dusky pink velvet cushion. It will give a wow factor to your room. Treat yourself to a bunch of pink tea roses and put them in vase or crystal glass, placing it on your kitchen work surface in a corner or a coffee table.

In a white bathroom, pale pink towels with rose gold accessories will look beautiful, although maybe a little too feminine for the men in your home.

Pink azaleas can lift a garden at this time of the year and will do well in a cool climate, but be careful of the frost. Morning sun is best so try and place them in an east-facing direction. They do well in the garden or in pots.

UK Emporium in Boksburg

Last week I asked if any of you have seen Atora Shredded Suet for baking or a hand wash I was looking for. Thank you to Denise and Susanne for letting me know about this store.  Apparently they stock all things British, from soaps and detergents to chocolates and cold drinks. You’ll find UK Emporium at Unit 30, Hughes Industrial Park, Romeo Street, Hughes, Boksburg and it’s open to the public Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 and Saturdays and Public Holidays 09:00 to 14:00. Phone 011 826 3917 for more information.

Lemon of the Week

I mentioned last week the terrible lemon meringue I’d bought but failed to mention where I actually purchased it from. It was bought from Checkers Glenvista and I popped along to see the manager last week. He was very helpful and took a fresh lemon meringue off the shelf which he cut and asked me to taste. I have to admit I refused, I’m not a “sweet” lover but he said it looked good to him. He did apologise and said if a customer ever has a complaint about goods from his shop to please return them and you’ll be reimbursed. Maybe it was just a bad batch.

The reader who had also purchased a lemon meringue from the same shop had this to say: “We are all aware of the fight against ‘fake goods’ such as Nike or Adidas products which are not real. Any such goods are protected by trademarks, patents, or copy right. I am wondering if similar ‘laws’ apply to baked goods? More specifically I am worried about the ‘false’ use of the name ‘Lemon Meringue’. Not all Lemon Meringues are created equal, but goodness me, this must be THE worst example I have ever encountered. Should there not be laws to protect Lemon Meringues, Koeksisters, Doughnuts, ‘Melktert’, Apple Crumble etc. from imposters? – Worried Meringue Lover.

That’s it for this week. Shop till you drop!





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