
How committed to your goals are you?

Most people have a very faint picture of what they want to have or to be in the future.

“When there is faith in the future, there is power in the present.”

Most people have a very faint picture of what they want to have or to be in the future.

In June 2004, I was frustrated about my work and wanted another job. I spoke to my great friend (James Mpele) about my frustration and he was very sorry for me as a friend. He asked me three questions which forever changed my view towards life:

1. How serious are you about quitting your current job? My answer was, very serious.

2. How long have you been feeling this way for? My answer was, about six months.

3. Do you have a plan in writing as to how you will get out of your situation? My answer was, yes and he said please show me.

I couldn’t show him because I didn’t have it. So, I didn’t have a plan, period! This simply meant I was not ‘very serious’ about getting out of my situation.

He introduced me to goal-setting and the importance of writing goals down. From then on, we held each other accountable to our set-goals. We met on a monthly basis to give each other feedback on the progress.

That elevated my commitment to my goals as I did not want to give excuses all the time and have achieved so much in life as a result. This is one of the greatest secrets for my success. I therefore urge you to get yourself a partner and hold each other accountable on your goals and your commitment will be elevated resulting in greater success. Always remember that: You cannot see the picture if you are in the frame.

Veli Ndaba

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