
South Africa is not a dump

The ANC’s decay is the only rotten apple stinking up South Africa – look past the stink and find the beauty.

As much as I have criticised the country in many aspects, one thing I know is that South Africa is not a dumb or ‘Banana Republic’, as it is sometimes seen; this country has a future and it is time for us to believe in that future.

While I will be the first to highlight the failures of the current ANC and its leaders, one thing that remains strong is my love for this country. I love this country so much, I refuse to call it a dump or refer to it as a ‘Banana Republic’; the reason I do that being – what I call my country; the rest of the world will refer to it in the same manner.

Make no mistake; I am not living in a dream world thinking we don’t have people threatening the potential we have as a country. My view is that we have a lot more to be proud of than we care to admit.



I cast my mind back to the speech made by DA Leader Helen Zille during the Gauteng Provincial Congress when she congratulated Johannesburg for being voted the most inspirational city in the world. The city achieved this status not because of the work government does, but rather the attitude and energy the people of Johannesburg exude.

Despite the challenges caused by government, we South Africans manage to show character – we find ways to believe in an ideal country we would like to live in. South Africans should not allow the blunders of the ANC to define the potential our country has, black people should not hold on to the pain of the past while they continue to be victims of the current government’s torture.



Today, the black masses do not suffer at the hands of the white majority, but at the hands of the government they have chosen. It is for this reason that South Africa may seem like a dump while it is the decay of the ANC that is creating this misconception.

Just because the ANC is failing, it does not mean that South Africa is failing. The only reason we are facing failure is because we have allowed a decaying organisation to continue bullying us into holding onto the past.

Basically, the country itself is not a dump; the problem is with a decaying organisation which continues to leave many South Africans in poverty. What is encouraging though, is the attitude many South Africans have; they continue to strive towards a better life.

Let this be our lesson, “We get the government we deserve, and we get it good.” In this case, we should learn to vote for the government committed to service and not cadre deployment.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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