All the Harmony: The four P’s of success

Today I introduce you to the ultimate ‘P’ of success-POWER. What I would love to term the 'Power Mix' is a combination of the following Ps:

There used to be the four Ps of the marketing mix, namely: Product, Place, Price and Promotion. Basically, when those are blended into a formidable combination, they lead to a powerful product offer; eventually producing the final P-Profit.

However, today I will introduce you to the ultimate ‘P’ of success-Power.  What I would love to term the “Power Mix” is a combination of the following P’s.


Have you ever realized how much we often lie; both to ourselves and to other people about us?

If I were to ask you now to stop whatever you are doing and tell me who really you are and what your real calling in life is; I wouldn’t be surprised to hear fibs and fairy tales about self. This is because we often don’t take time to listen to our authentic selves.

That thing; the one that which quickens your heartbeat, and brings an itch to your ears, making your hair stand on its ends every time you think or hear of it is what you have been called to earth for. That is your life purpose and if you are doing something else, especially for the money of it or for the pride, you are neglecting your real calling and are not adding value to the universe; hence success is far from your hands.

The one that which quickens your heartbeat, and brings an itch to your ears, making your hair stand on its ends every time you think or hear of it is what you have been called to earth for.

Unfortunately, most of the times the things pertaining and suitable to your life purpose always look unimpressive to the unenlightened. They don’t usually possess the aura, glitz and glamour of the other pursuits and professions.

That is the reason why often times we choose jobs instead of work. The difference being that a job is what you do only to earn a living while work is what you do to your fulfillment and that of your universal purpose.

The first step in life is to determine your purpose, follow your calling and success and fulfillment will come easy. The other things that you will have to do along the way will be just incidental to your purpose and secondary. The measure of your success lies only in the definiteness of your purpose;


If you take time to observe the face of a young boy or girl when a subject of their favorite interest is mentioned, you will see passion at its purest. It is that unadulterated passion and the young ones, as a rule of nature, do not tend to hide their pleasure, just as their displeasure is always apparent.

Passion is the fuel to your success which crushes all obstacles standing on your way, turning some into stepping stones.

Yes, I am talking about passion. It is passion that builds businesses, entities, families and other lofty achievements. Passion is that unlimited resource within us, always genuine to purpose and imbuing one with invincible determination.

Passion is the fuel to your success which crushes all obstacles standing on your way, turning some into stepping stones. If you come to think of it; passion is that love which respects no boundaries, distance and is beyond any difficult. Without passion, then there is no drive and your life will always be on a mundane plane;


I always refer to the word PLAN as an acronym for: Putting Life Action Now.

Surely, ambition without a plan is like a radar-less ship or, worse, a ship on dry land. Nothing will take you to a higher level better than a clear vision of your destination and the particular steps you will have to take.

Those must be stated in the so-called “black and white”, in an easy-to-understand-and-interpret manner.  Remember your achievement of success lies within your attention to detail which is essential to moving you from mediocrity into masterfulness.  

Putting up a plan will also help you to be able to pour on all your ambition, set milestones and be certain when success knocks by the door.

Not only do you need a plan, you need a clearly detailed, realistic working paper which you will follow through until successful. That must become the subject of your focus where you are also able to re-engage your purpose and add upon your passion, re-directing your efforts whenever necessary.

Putting up a plan will also help you to be able to pour on all your ambition, set milestones and be certain when success knocks by the door.


One great writer once stated that your success or lack of it is determined by either your ‘stickability’ or your ‘quitability’.  In his great book ‘The Cash Flow Quadrant’, Robert Kiyosaki, says that his Rich Dad mentor once told him that he had two options: to either quit or to delay quitting; both of which would make something out of him-albeit different things.

One great writer once stated that your success or lack of it is determined by either your ‘stickability’ or your ‘quitability’.

Yes, the choice is always yours and, most of the times you are presented with the one of bolting out of the door when the heat in the kitchen seemingly turns into an inferno.

Yes, times will come when the ship will seem to be sinking quickly and the only option being diving into the waters.

Yes, so many will tell you, “No” and life will seem to have this tendency of kicking you around and you will reach a stage when you will feel like you have had enough of it all.

Let me tell you how you must respond to all that if you are to choose success: Stand your ground, tell life that you have decided to kick back until it accepts your terms.

Step forward, look them straight in the eye and scream ‘Yes!’. After that; go ahead, without fear or doubt and claim your victory for a new ruler of the universe will have been born; and that is you!

Our quote this week

“Things don’t turn up in this world until somebody turns them up.” – Garfield

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