
All the Harmony: Doing it like it’s my last

Beads of perspiration sprinted across my face and a wave of heat tormented my whole body as blood jettisoned from my thumping heart to all the far tips of my limbs.

My mouth tasted of this bitter substance whose source is still a mystery because as far as I can still remember all the saliva in my mouth had dried up.

Mysterious was this piercing, ringing sound that had colonized my already itchy ears. Let me not even talk of my knees that had suddenly turned into jelly. My brain had gone numb and I was shaking uncontrollably. Fear had gripped me by the loins and I was in total bewilderment with shock. In my whole life I had never been so afraid.

It was then that I told my self, “May be this is my last day on earth-I’m going to die.”

This is a true story-a recent encounter. It was on a Friday the Thirteenth of September, 2013 (this year) in Southern Johannesburg, when I met a trade union striking mob on a rampage. Having met me by a filling station, they, unfortunately, mistook me for one of their own whom they suspected was playing truant.

Let me not waste your time by further relating both the clobbering humiliation that I received later on (that’s a story for another day maybe). The crux of my story is really at the moment when I thought that Friday the thirteenth (pun of the superstition not intended), might have been my last day on earth.

It’s funny now that I realise it could have been anyone who went through that experience, in any part of the word for that matter. I shudder to think that it could have been worse. Imagine my clothes that I had left hanging on the line-for them never to be worn by me again.

I imagine even the food that I had left in the fridge, ready for a meal later, all waiting for me who could have never come back home.

I also imagine the loved ones whom I had spared my ‘I love you’s that morning, for them never to be able to hear that again.

How about my colleagues, associates, neighbours and friends among others, whom I had spared the best of myself on our last encounters-never to be another chance for me to share those moments, news, laughs, smiles, hugs and all the simple experiences of life we often take for granted thinking there will be the next time?

Ever since I went through that experience I often feel that I have been to hell and back. Or maybe it was heaven? But the whole incidence has taught me that: With everything that I do, I must do it like is my last! That includes simple acts such as taking a glass of water, I must hold it like it was a treasure trove and its contents like it was a precious wine from the heavens.

Now I know that what ever I have to say, I must treat it like it were my last to time say it. Whatever I do I will do it like it was my last.

My every dance will be like it is my last.

My every kiss will be like it is my last.

My every hug will be like it is my last.

Doing things that way will elevate me to immortality for acts that I done that way last forever.

Can you imagine that this episode that I am sharing with you could be my last? So I must ensure that it be the best inspiration that I have ever shared. If I am to be blessed with another chance next week I will make it a point that I give my best-for it might be my last.

If you care, take a moment to look at everything that you have to do. Take a look at every moment of your life. Are you making then count in every way? Before you depart from this world are you going to ensure that you give every moment your best effort?

Share this episode with your friends, family and colleagues. Remember also to share your feelings by posting a comment.

Until next week, here is to “All the Harmony!”

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