Miss Earth 2024 semi-finalist remembers Angels Baby Sanctuary in Madiba’s spirit

Donating to Angels Baby Sanctuary must not be a Mandela thing, it must happen throughout the year.

Miss Earth 2024 semi-finalist Joy Magagula donated handsomely to Angels Baby Sanctuary in La Rochelle on July 22.

The donation included crochet blankets, baby care packs, diapers, clothes, toys and reading books to name a few. This is her project which she calls Secret Madiba.

“I started a project where I got together a group of people from different provinces in South Africa and different countries around the world. For the past month, I’ve been teaching them how to crochet.

“Everyone was tasked to make a baby blanket that will be donated to different mothers and babies in need and one of the places we are donating to is Angels Baby Sanctuary in Johannesburg South,” she said.

Magagula, the St Martins alumnus, said the teaching of crochet to different people is a sub-project called Joyful Hands.

“As a designer, I thought of a long-lasting gift that will have a lasting impact. It is nice to buy a blanket. However, making it from scratch is special. After they learned to crochet, the people in the group made the blankets and couriered them and I distributed them to deserving organisations.

“This shouldn’t be a Mandela thing, it must happen throughout the year. I’m planning to invite more people and allow them to join us in making and sharing this great experience,” she said.

She also mentioned that since last month was World Environmental Day, she planted 63 trees which were donated to schools and churches among others.

Anne Ebrahim, the founder and chairperson of Angels Baby Sanctuary, thanked Magagula for the donation and said the blankets will come in handy during adoption. “It will be great for the adoption process where the child will come with a blanket, especially when an overseas adopter comes along,” she said.

Follow Magagula on Instagram for videos of her teaching others to crochet @world_meet_joy

To volunteer, donate or for more information, contact 011 045 6401, 081 049 6228 or anne@angelsbaby.org or visit them at 273 Johannesburg Road.

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