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WH Coetzer Primary School thanks volunteers for their ongoing dedication

16 locals have volunteered to help WH Coetzer Primary School learners with a literacy programme so as to help them boost their academic performance.

During July, many individuals are inspired by Mandela Day to dedicate 67 minutes of their time to making a positive impact within their communities.

I would like to express my gratitude and admiration for a remarkable group of 16 volunteers who selflessly contributed their time and effort to a literacy programme at WH Coetzer Primary School.

Throughout the first two terms of the academic year, these dedicated volunteers have generously given over 380 hours of their time to support grade two and three children in enhancing their reading, writing, and speaking abilities.

Each volunteer supports the same children every week, providing individualised assistance during the school day.

By nurturing the children’s literacy skills, our volunteers are not only enhancing their confidence but also cultivating their eagerness to learn and explore new horizons.

Their invaluable contributions align perfectly with Nelson Mandela’s profound statement: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

If you feel inspired to join this cause and become a volunteer, please reach out to Melanie Marx on 076 585 0809 or melmar773@gmail.com.

Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of these children and contribute to a brighter future for all.

Melanie Marx

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