Laerskool Montanus Primary School lends a helping hand

School reaches out to give to those in need.

Laerskool Montanus Primary School invited Solidarity’s Helping Hand to visit the school to receive a donation.

The school got involved with Helping Hand’s bucket project and collected non-perishable food to donate to families in need in the community.

“The donation is noteworthy since the community in and around the school is poor and also suffers from deeper social pressures. The principal of the school, Leaquid Khan used this opportunity to explain to Helping Hand what teachers and learners are facing daily, and what they have to go through just to get through a normal day’s schoolwork,” said Johan Olivier from Helping Hand, Alberton branch.

Helping Hand Alberton branch’s chairperson Ronelle Brand received the donation and in return handed Khan, the staff represented by Mrs Devos and Rama, as well as the head girl and head boy of the school, a certificate of appreciation.

Should you wish to get involved with Helping Hand’s bucket project email

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