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How to be a peak performer

There is no shortcut in life; you must do all the steps.

“You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” – Mark Twain

Every one of us is born blessed with vivid imagination. That imagination, to create and see the unseen and think the unthinkable, is a muscle that grows weak and flabby with disuse.

We are born into a world whose expectation is to create sameness and robots, programmed to do as they are told.

Ralph Waldo Emerson puts it nicely, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

To be a peak performer, you must have a clear imagination and an undivided focus.

To be a peak performer, you must realise life will never be anything more or less than what you choose to make of it.

You must also be clear on these two things:

1. You will only get one shot at this life.

2. You will spend about a third of it asleep.

The main question that matters is, what are you doing with the remaining two-thirds of your life, the waking time?
To be a peak performer, you must understand there is no magic pill. You must understand life arranges you – crawl, walk, and run; there is no shortcut. There is no way to get faster without first crawling, then walking, and then running.

Another thing you must understand about peak performance is that personality doesn’t scale, it is biology that scales.

If you look in the self-improvement space, you will find someone trying to teach you what worked for them, expecting it will also work for you in the same way; that is incorrect. So, to be a peak performer, you must play to your strength.

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