WATCH: Naturena grannies going places

Ezindala from Naturena wants support from the community.


After a successful prayer walk on March 21, which was aimed at paving the way through a prayer which included religious leaders, elders and all stakeholders for a crime-free Naturena, Ezindala has seen results.

Ezindala are making waves in the area and they were recently invited to participate in a Grannies Football Tournament organised by Community Development 1 Portfolio for Ward 119 Thabiso Khanye and some of the stakeholders. They see this invitation as a result of their prayer walk.

This was their first ever soccer game as they only concentrated on exercises. Following the tournament, most of the old ladies will soon be starting their soccer team under the guidance of their young coach Daniel Hendricks.

Ezindala, the elders, are driven by Tushiya Home Based Care and Career Exposure NPO, under the capable hands of Buhle Nkonyane and team clinic including team recreation and Public Safety Portfolio Representative for Ward 119.

Big dreams

Nceba Ndube from the Public Safety Portfolio said, “We have been knocking on different doors for the grannies to get sponsorship so that they can be able to do more than what they’re doing.

“Their dream is to have some freight containers turned into office spaces and community centres where they can start a soup kitchen. It’s not easy for them but with the support from everyone within the community and surrounding local entities and businesses, everything is possible.

“This is their escape from their troubled homes where some would be abused by the behaviour of the children and grandchildren who have become delinquents. At least by keeping themselves busy, they get to be fit and stress-free from all of their troubles.

“We appeal to everyone who can assist them to please do so. Your support will be much appreciated,” he said.
For more information, Ndube may be contacted on 072 900 0642.

Other stakeholders at the Grannies Football Tournament.
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