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Bassonia karting star shines at African Open in Cape Town

Alonzo de Oliveira, a karting star from Bassonia comes home with a silver and gold trophies after competing in the African Open on March 23.

Trinityhouse learner Alonzo de Oliveira recently competed in his first shutdown at the South African Rotax Max Championship(SARMC) National Karting Championship challenge held in Cape Town.

This young karting star earned fourth place, leaving his team and supporters amazed by his dedication throughout the competition.

This karting event was organised by Motorsport South Africa.

Alonzo races in the Bambino Class, which is designed for children aged five to nine.

Alonzo participates in club, regional, and national racing countrywide and started karting in 2023 at the age of five.

In 2023, Alonzo finished 10th overall in South Africa for his age category and received two driver of the day trophies at the two national races he competed in.

According to Alonzo’s mother, Stephanie de Oliveira, 2024 is Alonzo’s championship year, where he hopes to be the Northern Region Karting Bambino Champion and receive his junior colours. He also hopes to be the SARMC National Bambino Champion receiving his South African colours.

“He is the smallest driver on the track. We are so proud of Alonzo and his dedication and sacrifices to the sport. He spends most of his weekends at the track, practising for long hours. When it is race week, Alonzo will practice after school as well.

“Alonzo has demonstrated continuous growth and improvement with each race he entered. This was evident in the recent African Open and round 1 of the National Championship where Alonzo secured fourth place overall,” explained Stephanie.

“It was his first time racing at the Killarney race track in Cape Town. Out of all the Gauteng drivers who entered his Bambino category, he came number one.”

Mixed emotions

“Watching Alonzo race is a crush of different emotions all at once. We want our son to do well, to go faster, to overtake, and to be in the front, but we also worry that he might crash as he races at a speed of about 70km/h if he pushes too hard,” said Abel de Oliveira, father.

In the front is Alonzo de Oliveira during the Rotax Mac Championship in Cape Town.

“We are the proudest parents you will ever meet. Our heart swells with joy and excitement as we watch our young son excel in the exhilarating world of go-kart racing. His passion for the sport and his determination to succeed are truly awe-inspiring.”

Alonzo has to compete in the other three national races this year in the hope of gaining his South African colours.
He is set to compete in round 2 of Dube Raceway which will be held in KwaZulu-Natal from May 3 to 4, round 3 of Formula K, and round 4 of Zwartkops in Gauteng.

He will also be participating in the Rand Kart Club Regional Rounds, which contains seven rounds to stand a chance at receiving his junior colours.

“From day one, Alonzo showed his passion and determination to do well in his racing. He is always prepared to do an extra session to hone his skills,“ said Neil Basilio, coach for NBR Team Racing.

“At the last event, Alonzo showed his talent and determination to do his very best at the highest level in SA Karting. As Alonzo’s coach, I am very proud to have a young talent with a bright future in South African motorsport. It’s a real privilege to coach a young talent like Alonzo and see him grow on track.”

Alonzo’s upcoming races:

Round 2 Vereeniging: April 20

Round 3 Vereeniging: May 25

Round 4 Zwartkops: June 22

Round 5 Zwartkops: July 27

Round 6 Vereeniging: August 17

Round 7 Formula K: October 19

Round 8 Zwartkops: November 30

Alonzo competing in the Rotax Max Championship African Open.


Northern Region (Gauteng)

Club race round first and second place

Regional race round 1 of 8 second place

KwaZulu-Natal Region

Club race second place

Regional round 1 of 6 first place


Cape Town Round 1 of 4 fifth place

African Open in Cape Town (against all Bambinos in Africa) fourth place

• All photographs supplied.

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