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Zuleika wants youth to take a leap of faith

Great opportunities are out there all you have to do is grab them.

Southerner Zuleika Haniff (24), a mother to a four-year-old, believes in seizing the opportunity.

Her love for children has made her take the opportunity to teach. “I went into the field of education and au pairing for the obvious reasons which are, that I love children and love teaching them.

“I love that bright look on their faces when they’ve grasped new concepts and I love the intriguing conversations that I have with children.

“At first, I did my teaching English to foreign learners course (TEFL) which pushed me to do my degree in teaching. I’ve taught at multiple schools as a student. I am an au pair at this stage. I have a beautiful boy who I am an au pair for and I love him like my own. When I’m not with him I’m studying, doing eyelashes or spending time with my family.

“I am a third-year B Ed in Foundation Phase student at Stadio, who recently opened up an eyelash business in the Mulbarton called Lashes by Leika. My reason for opening up a business in this industry is because I am an eyelash lover myself,” explained Zuleika.

She says the pressure of having to grow and be better every day has pushed her to work harder and make better decisions for her life as well as that of her family.

“It hasn’t been easy to open up a business because the pressure of gaining clients is a lot. I do have faith that as time goes my business will flourish. I get so emotional thinking about how far I’ve come, what God has put in my path and how much I’ve grown,” she said.

Zuleika wants to encourage the youth of today by saying there’s nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it and take that leap of faith.

“Get that degree or do that short course and start that business but also remember that there is no set order for what you have to do first in life. Besides the one that society created, there’s no timeline and there’s no deadline so do what you feel will give you a better life, at your own time and pace, just don’t procrastinate too much.

“I feel that was one of my biggest downfalls, I wish I did all of this at the age of 18 but I guess God has planned things right and that everything happens for a right reason,” noted Zuleika.

She has a social media following of 44 000 on TikTok and 37 000 on Instagram.

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