Help Lumu NPO to improve lives

Your donations can help build children who are the future of this world.

Lumu Community Based Organisation – Child and Youth Centre (LCBON) is a non-profit organisation that focuses on helping vulnerable children and young people in Johannesburg South.

The organisation has programmes aimed at improving the livelihood of young children and youth.

The founder, Samuel Robert, highlighted, “Our focus is on helping disadvantaged children by providing them with support, unconditional care and a safe space where they can be protected and taken care of.

The children receive warm meals

“However, we are between a rock and a hard place, as we are failing to provide some necessities for the children. We are kindly requesting assistance, through donations to help provide for the children.”

The organisation needs clothes, toiletries including sanitary pads, stationery, food (non-perishable) and funds for rent, including other needs.

To make donations to the cause, contact 060 355 3588 or 073 444 1337 or email

“The assistance of the public will be greatly appreciated,” said Robert.

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