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Cross family bids farewell to Mecayla

Community of Chrisville mourns the loss of Mecayla Cross, a 25-year-old aspiring police officer and loving mother, who was ruthlessly shot 16 times, with the final blow to her head.

Family and friends shed tears as the body of Mecayla Cross arrived at her home in Chrisville at 07:30.

She was on her way to purchase refreshments from a local store when she was gunned down on February 2.

Despite all efforts to save her life in the hospital, she passed away from her wounds.

Casket of Mecayla Cross who was brutally killed.

According to her aunt, Nicole Manuel, this was one of the saddest, most unbelievable, and worst days of her life as she had to bid a final farewell to her niece who was also her best friend.

“From her date of death, Friday, February 2, I’ve been having question after question about what went wrong because she was a peaceful soul who loved everyone in her space,” her aunt said.

A small send-off ceremony was held at her home shortly after her body arrived home before moving to Sure Foundation Community Church.

The Cross family sees Mecayla’s face for the last time before departing to the cemetery.

Most of the friends described the deceased as a person who loved her family especially her daughter dearly. They said that she was a fun person to be with.

“The most painful thing is that the day she was gunned down is the same date we laid her mother to rest last year so it will be a difficult date and month to forget as a family,” Nicole said.

The community of Chrisville mourning the death of Mecayla Cross.

Just to ensure everyone’s safety, JMPD and SAPS attended the funeral proceedings.

A convoy, including l members of SAPS, escorted her to her last place of rest, Westpark Cemetery.

ALSO READ: Mecayla Cross shot 16 times in broad daylight in Chrisville

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