Monethi to host a back-to-school kids drink event at Starbucks

Rea's back-to-school kids drink event at Starbucks Bassonia promises to be a memorable occasion for all involved.

Reamoleboha Monethi, the founder of RBookHire- kids Bookclub and a learner at Trinityhouse Glenvista, will be hosting a back-to-school kids drink event on February 3.

The event will take place at Starbucks Bassonia, and children have been invited to participate in judging for the selection of the best drink to be added on the menu and the event is open to all kids.

Rea expressed her desire to make the event more inclusive by welcoming children from different schools. She believes that this will not only be a fun and engaging activity but also an opportunity for children to interact with each other and build friendships.

The event kicks off at 13:00, and participants are encouraged to wear their school uniforms, adding a touch of school spirit to the occasion. What makes this event particularly exciting is that children will play a pivotal role in deciding the next addition to the Starbucks menu.

They will be given a set of criteria to judge the drinks, evaluating them based on taste, presentation, and creativity.

Reamoleboha is enthusiastic about the event and its potential impact on the young participants. She sees it not only as a source of fun but also as a valuable opportunity for kids to learn about teamwork and collaboration.

By actively engaging in the judging process, children will gain insights into the importance of working together towards a common goal.

Parents and guardians interested in attending this exciting event are urged to RSVP as soon as possible.
Confirmation can be sent to and

This ensures that the organisers can make the necessary arrangements to accommodate all participants and make the event a resounding success.

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