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Handmade teddies for children in the oncology ward

The project and donations were a huge success, sparking more heartfelt teddy bear donations for the future.

Marla Sukraj Durga started by drawing on a piece of paper, which she turned into a teddy bear pattern and then into handmade teddy bears.

Ecstatically Marla Sukraj Durga said: “I will remember this day for the rest of my life, seeing the joy and smiles on the little children’s faces when they received the teddy bears. It was a priceless moment.”

Ladies ready to hand over the teddy bears.

Sukraj Durga is the head of arts and crafts for New Beginnings Women’s Club – a club where women gather weekly at the Kibler Park Recreation Centre.

They made 106 teddy bears which were delivered to the paediatric oncology ward at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital.

“The 106 teddies was more than my target. I have no words to describe the feeling of accomplishment. After the visit to the children, I will not stop making the handmade teddies,” said Sukraj Durga, determinedly.

Aileen Johnson, Ameera Campbell and Marla Sukraj Durga.

Sukraj Durga extends her gratitude to Aileen Johnson and the ladies at New Beginnings for assisting her with the project and its success.

“We assisted Ameera Campbell from The Bravehearts and her team in making snacks for the children and their mothers. A big thank you to Ameera Campbell for allowing us to be part of this beautiful experience with the children.”

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