Love from Above hopes to transform lives from within

Love from Above is an NPO in Ormonde that hopes to empower communities and transform lives.

In the heart of Ormonde, Johannesburg South, a remarkable force for change has been quietly but steadily making waves since its inception in 2021.

Love From Above NPO is committed to uplift disadvantaged communities. With a mission rooted in community empowerment, this organisation has been fervently working to create lasting impact from the grassroots level.

A vision of sustainable transformation

Love From Above NPO believes that the key to change lies in empowering individuals within communities to take charge of their own development. The organisation’s founders, a group of individuals who recognised the gaps in services and resources within their community, came together to address these needs.

MD Termayne Sivpersad said, “Our approach is rooted in long-term impact. We strive to create a solid foundation for sustainable growth by focusing on education, skills development and entrepreneurship.

“We provide access to quality education, vocational training and mentorship programmes that equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to break free from the cycle of poverty,” said Sivpersad.

At the heart of Love From Above NPO’s approach lies the belief in community-driven solutions. The organisation engages with community members and involves them in decision-making processes.

By fostering collaboration and respecting the knowledge and expertise of local residents, the organisation empowers individuals to take ownership of their development journey.

Join the movement

Love From Above NPO understands the importance of partnerships, collaborations, and the broader community in realising their mission. Companies and individuals alike can play a crucial role in supporting their vital work.

Financial contributions, volunteering time and skills, providing goods or services, and fostering partnerships are all ways to make a meaningful impact.

To volunteer or donate contact them at: or or call 069 118 1425.

Follow them on their social media platforms to be notified about upcoming events: Facebook: Love From Above NPO Instagram @love_from_above_npo.

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