Diversity High School learners excel at the Eskom Expo

Five Grade 9 learners from Diversity High School participated in the Eskom Expo.

The Eskom Expo for young scientists is an exposition where learners are given an opportunity to showcase their projects about their scientific investigations.

Five Grade Nine learners represented Diversity High School in a great way, where they conceptualised their ideas at the district and at the regional science fair.

Lesedi Tshabalala did a project in the computer science software development category with her project titled, Advanced hospital filing system.

Silver medalists Slindokuhle Ntuli and Mbalehle Mntungwa. With them is Jane Nekhavhambe (deputy principal).

Okuhle Ngulube did a project in the category of biomedical and medical sciences with her project titled, Comparing effects of natural supplements to narcotic painkillers.

Mbalenhle Mntungwa’s project was in the engineering category titled, Solar traffic. Slindokuhle Ntuli also had a project in the engineering category titled, Wearable Computers.

Dinoka Mabunda’s project in the engineering category was titled Solar advanced bus.

Passionate young scientists.

Slindokuhle Ntuli and Mbalenhle Mntungwa received silver medals for second place in the engineering category and Dinoka Mabunda received a bronze medal for third place in the engineering category.

Deputy principal Jane Nekhavhambe said: “As the school, we are very proud of the learners because against all odds they showed dedication, commitment and resilience.”

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