
Mulbarton restaurant shooting case trial starts

Three witnesses will be called to testify on August 16.

The case in which Daniel Rowland stands accused of murder, endured a shaky start as only the nine witnesses were called and warned by the magistrate on August 14 at Booysens Magistrate’s Court.

Initially on February 24 when he last appeared it was said that the case will sit for August 14, 16, 17 and 18.

In court, it was established that the prosecutor will not be available for August 16, 17 and 18 because she will be having a medical procedure and therefore, a new prosecutor was required.

The case had to stand down for this matter to be discussed because the magistrate said she is not in favour of using two different prosecutors in this case.

The case was then postponed to August 16 for the continuation of the trial.

Rowland stands accused of injuring a woman in a restaurant after firing off a shot with his gun. The woman later died in the hospital. The incident happened on July 30, 2021, at Il Camino Italian Restaurant in Mulbarton.

His bail was extended.

ALSO READ: Woman shot in Mulbarton restaurant dies

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