Southern Courier not distributed in Naturena due to City Power activity

The utility has been cutting off electricity supply to customers who are not paying the utility accross Johannesburg.

The City of Johannesburg and City Power have this Tuesday morning led an operation to cut off defaulting and non-paying customers in Naturena, South of Johannesburg.

The operation has received support from the Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) and the South African Police Service (SAPS).

As a result, the Southern Courier newspaper will not be distributed in Naturena today.

“At this stage, we cannot confirm whether our edition for this week will not be delivered at all. It depends on activity in the area,” said Marietta Lombard, editor-in-chief for Caxton Joburg Metro.

Alternatively, readers can access the September 19 edition online newspaper (e-paper) by clicking HERE.

The City of Joburg is declaring war against lawlessness in Naturena as most households don’t pay for services.

According to the City, of the 3 000 prepaid customers in Naturena, only less than half of those are vending, costing City Power almost R27m annually.

Residents have been advised to pay municipal accounts to avoid power or water being switched off.

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