Lifestyle audits for all Joburg councillors and senior executives

The Multi-Party Government wants to rebuild Johannesburg with this initiative.

The multi-party government of the City of Johannesburg will take the initiative of implementing lifestyle audits for all councillors and senior executives as part of its commitment to a well-run city that effectively tackles corruption.

MMC for Group Corporate and Shared Services Leah Knott said the entire process will start in the second quarter of 2022 and aim to conclude by the end of the financial year.

Lifestyle audits are essential for preventing fraud and corruption, like catching out councillors who are implicated in cash-for-votes scandals.

“While council committed in principle to conducting lifestyle audits in 2021, this was abandoned by the previous ANC-led government who failed to implement before the end of the previous term.

“It is likely that the PPE tender fraud, which we exposed in 2020 and 2021 among other things, would have led to damning findings had this process been in place.

“The multi-party government under the leadership of Mayor Mpho Phalatse will strive to ensure total transparency in this process, which we owe to the residents of Johannesburg.

“A clean, well-run city is essential to delivering the golden repair, and rebuilding Johannesburg into a city that we can all be proud of,” she said.

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