Miss Mogul InterAfrica finalist cooks for children

Part-time student Mablenhle Mpofu (18), a finalist for Miss Mogul InterAfrica, took some time out to make food for the children in Jackson informal settlement.

“I decided to prepare healthy meals for the children because I just connected with them when I arrived at here,” said Mpofu.

She told the CHRONICLE from a young age she always wanted to donate the little she had to underprivileged children.

Children from the informal settlement coming to meet Miss Mogul InterAfrica finalist Mbalenhle Mpofu. Photograph: Supplied.

“Children deserve more and they don’t have the ability to speak about their emotions because they are not given the opportunity to do so. I am doing this because I believe children are the future. With no food, they won’t feel like they have the ability to be confident enough to raise their opinions while they are hungry,” she said.

She said education is the key to success but with hunger, there will be no future for them to believe in themselves.

Mbalenhle Mpofu serving the children of the informal settlement. Photograph: Supplied.

“I will continue doing what I love, and that is seeing children succeed. No child should go to bed hungry, and I will do my part in making sure it never happens. At least not on my watch,” said Mpofu.

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