GALLERY: A helping hand to a community in need

Catherine Constantinides teamed up with companies to had a hand over food parcels at Booysens informal settlement

“I will continue giving the support and feed the community with the strength I have as long as I live.”

After the tragedy of many losing their homes when a fire swept through Booysens informal settlement in January, Catherine Constantinides has been actively involved to assist the needy.

Constantinides is a well-known South African social justice activist and humanitarian.

Setting things up to start the distribution of food to the people of Booysens informal settlement.

“It was a devastating tragedy to see so many families losing their homes. What was heartbreaking was that nothing was done after many homes were affected by the fire.

“I have been involved within the community since the incident to mainly assist with food, clothing and other essentials,” said Constantinides.

Grateful members of the community going home with something to eat.

She told the RECORD that she visits the area every two weeks to make sure that people get fed and well-taken care of.

“I lived in the south so the people living here are close to my heart. I know how many families and children suffer in this informal settlement and I vowed to help in any way I can.”

On Freedom Day, Constantinides took hands with Salaam Foundations and Aspen Pharmaceutical to reach out to the community of the informal settlement.

A community in dire need being fed.

“Salaam Foundation supported the initiative by giving the community cooked meals and Aspen Pharmaceutical donated food parcels.

“A big thank you to them for showing up on this public holiday,” she said.

“We will continue to do what we can to feed the community. I urge other NGOs to also help and for anyone in the community to assist with donations.

Jackie Tau and Catherine Constantinides.

“People in this community are struggling. It breaks my heart that even today, and on a day like Freedom Day, people are still fighting poverty. But I aim to bring hope. I will continue giving the support and feed the community with the strength I have as long as I live,” Constantinides said.

Catherine Constantinides sharing a few words of inspiration with the community.

Get in touch with Constantinides on social media platforms at Instagram and Twitter @ChangeAgentSA and Facebook Change Agent SA.

Members from Salaam Foundation getting the warm meals ready for distribution to the community. Photo: Noble Media Solutions.
Residents from Booysens informal settlement queueing to receive the donations.
Ella Bella Leite, founder of Generation Earth. with the children of Booysens informal settlement.
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