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Joyful moments for elderly in frail care

There have been many sad calls from relatives missing their revisits with the beloved oldies.

South Africa has been under lockdown since March this year. Everyone has struggled through this difficult time. The aged most especially have suffered. Many live alone, some not able to care for themselves adequately. Those who are in frail care centres at least have their daily personal hygiene attended to and three meals provided. They may benefit from a degree of company among the residents and nursing staff. Despite this it has been apparent that they desperately miss contact with their dear ones. The families have also struggled through this period. At Absolute Care Home – Oakdene, attached to the Glenzicht Retirement Home, there have been many sad calls from relatives missing their revisits with the beloved oldies. No amount of professional care and company can make up for family contact. Considering this the Absolute Care Home – Oakdene has started limited family contact visits as soon as Level 3 Covid-19 restrictions were lifted. The camera captured a delighted Joey Roussow and her daughter Lorraine at their first contact on August 19. Staff were on hand to take Joey back to her room at the end of the visit. Absolute Care Home – Oakdene is open for viewing the facility by appointment. Call 011 665 9291or email Oakdene@absolutecare.org.za

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