Just in – The power of Purpose

Richard is a three-time, stage-four brain cancer survivor who overcame all the odds of beating cancer while competing in some of the world’s toughest endurance events, including four Ironman triathlons.

In 2016 Richard Wright was confronted with a diagnosis of rare pituitary cancer – a disease about which little is known, other than that it is usually terminal. Richard is a renowned international speaker, sales guru and successful entrepreneur.

Richard is a three-time, stage-four brain cancer survivor who overcame all the odds of beating cancer while competing in some of the world’s toughest endurance events, including four Ironman triathlons. In attempting to deal with this bleak knowledge, Richard defined what mattered most in his life, his true purpose, which was ensuring that his two young daughters would not have to grow up without their dad.

Understanding his life purpose, he focused on overcoming the seemingly insurmountable challenges and obstacles that faced him, using the sheer power of his mind.

Ongoing research into what the human mind is capable of, and sheer grit and determination, enabled him to complete four full Ironman races while undergoing stringent cancer treatment, with his daughters cheering him on.

An Ironman race consists of a 3.8km swim, followed by a 180km cycle and then a full marathon – a 42.2km run.
Athletes have 17 hours in which to complete the demanding ultra-endurance event and are not permitted outside assistance during the race.

Richard’s story, told with raw honesty, humility and humour, proves that discomfort can spark tremendous growth.
The virtual book launch will take please on August 6 via Zoom. There will be two events from 10.30am to 12 noon and from 7pm to 8.30pm.

He will speak about the book and about resilience, change and rising above challenges from his perspective as a three times brain cancer survivor.

You will discover firsthand why he is a globally acclaimed speaker and inspiration to all who hear him.
Mike Stopforth will be asking Richard several poignant questions and will facilitate questions from the attendees.
Tickets are available on Quicket and include a signed and delivered copy of the book in SA.

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