Would you change lockdown regulations?

With many lockdown regulations put in place, the COURIER took to the street to ask the community which lockdown regulation they would change if they could and why?

This is what they had to say:

PHINDILE NTSHIBA: “Alcohol and cigarette ban lead to illegal trading. Although we know the bad side of these two, families who own taverns and bottle stores suffer.”
NATASHA MASUSKU: “Children going back to school. Most of them don’t wear masks, especially when they are playing. I wish this year could be suspended.”
SIPHOSETHU TOTIYANA: “People are getting retrenched because of the alcohol and cigarette ban. Most people depend on it.”
THATO MNISI: “Not visiting my family kills me. Why can we go to other places but we cannot visit our family members? We have gogos who we want to see but we cannot.”
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