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Naturena residents helping each other

They want the economy in their area to boom as residents circulate details within the perimeters of Naturena.

Times are tough as Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on everyone in the country, and that is why Naturena residents want to help themselves keep their businesses in the area.

Nceba Ndube and local businessmen and women are on the verge of launching Naturena Business Hub database, where a pool of services will be offered. They want the economy in their area to boom as residents circulate details within the perimeters of Naturena.

“We already have a chat group with at least 82 participants who are business people in the area. Supporting one another is the ultimate goal. “When you look at the after-effects of Covid-19, you will realise a great number of people are jobless. So we want to alleviate that situation in the area. This will also curb the movement of unknown characters to roam the neighbourhood.

“It will assist in empowering our unemployed youth because we are trying to get them trained in various skills, trades and crafts. We have already secured a workshop will be utilised for the business hub. “From time to time, we are also planning on having a marketplace where we will showcase our work through networking. The group chat created will specifically deal or address these issues,” explained Nceba.

He said all the business people are looking forward for the positive participation of people in and around Naturena.

If you would like to join, contact them at nat.bushub@gmail.com or contact Nceba on 072 900 0642.

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