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Police and residents say no to gender-based violence

They staged a peaceful night walk themed ‘Stop Abuse’. Women and children were holding candles as a sign of reclaiming their dignity. Some placards were written ‘No Respect for Abusers #RealmenProtect’.

SOME residents of Naturena and Mondeor police officers took part in a prayer walk against gender-based violence in Naturena on December 6.

They staged a peaceful night walk themed ‘Stop Abuse’. Women and children were holding candles as a sign of reclaiming their dignity. Some placards were written ‘No Respect for Abusers #RealmenProtect’.

The walk started in Malta and ended in Naturena Primary School. After the walk, residents were addressed by Mondeor SAPS on different types of crime and how to report them.

Sharlotte Mokotedi opening the walk with a prayer.

Capt Nokulunga Dube, Mondeor SAPS communications officer, said victims of abuse should report in time for them to get much-needed assistance.

“We, as police officers are here to assist the community in fighting crime. We urge people to come forward when they are victimised so that help will be granted to them,” said Dube.

Residents of Naturena filled the streets with candle lights in a walk against gender-based violence.

One of the organisers of the walk, Jabulile Mahlambi, said to fight gender-based violence, young boys need to be taught to respect women at an early age.

“If we start teaching them to care and appreciate women at the age of 18, it’s late. We can win gender-based violence if we start instilling a mindset of appreciating and protecting women to our young boys,” said Mahlambi.

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