
Eight CoJ employees dismissed for manipulating bidding process

It was found that various unjustified and unauthorised additional payments were made to the service provider above and beyond the R54-million.

EIGHT City of Johannesburg (CoJ) employees have been dismissed after being found guilty of manipulating a bid evaluation process and further authorising additional unjustified payments to a service provider.

Their dismissal follows a lengthy disciplinary process which revealed that the R54-million budget to fund a 2016 event, COP17, which is a world wildlife conference that seeks to combat illegal trade in animals and fauna, had resulted in an actual spend of close to R66-m.

It was found that various unjustified and unauthorised additional payments were made to the service provider above and beyond the R54-m.

The employees involved in the deliberate manipulation of the bid evaluation process and the illegal payments were based in the Department of Economic Development, Department of Group Legal, Department of Finance as well as Department of Environment and Infrastructure Services.

MMC for Economic Development Clr Leah Knott said the current multiparty administration in the City has zero tolerance for corruption and the abuse of ratepayers’ money.

“The City will continue to act against corruption, and continue to dismiss employees who violate the trust and responsibility bestowed upon them to uphold good governance and serve residents with honesty and dedication,” she said.

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