Find out if you are eligible for Expanded Social Package (ESP)

“ESP queries can be lodged via telephone or email,” added Singo.

SENIORS on the Go gathered at Golden Falls Spur Steak Ranch in Columbine Shopping Centre, Suideroord, on April 16 to enjoy a breakfast and listen to guest speaker, Tino Singo, from the Expanded Social Package (ESP) Special Project Unit Social Development Department City of Johannesburg (CoJ), who spoke to the seniors about how they can benefit from ESP.

“First of all, you will have to register to qualify for free basics. ESP targets vulnerable residents, such as the unemployed, youth, women, children, senior citizens, people with disabilities and displaced people,” said Singo.

Benefits are for water and electricity subsidies and other rebates include non-metered services for pensioners 60 years and older.

To be able to claim you need to own a property under R2.5-million. The property must be owned by the pensioner.

For citizens who are working and the unemployed (aged 18 to 59) you are entitled to a rate rebate if your property is valued at under R500 000 and the property must be in the name of the account holder.

Individuals must re-register every six months for continued benefits and to qualify for ESP you have to be a South African citizen, must reside within CoJ boundaries and your monthly income must not exceed R5 852,28. All bank accounts will need to be declared and you’ll have to show three months’ latest bank statements.

ADDRESSING THE FLOOR: Tino Singo chatted to the seniors about ESP.

Documents required for registration

Proof of income, Sassa card, all bank statements for the last three months or a sworn affidavit confirming you do not have a bank account nor income (any other source of income must be declared).

You’ll also need to produce your ID, CoJ rates and taxes account, City Power prepaid meter account number, Eskom prepaid electricity account number and conventional account number. Also your Johannesburg water account/prepaid account number (ITU number on the receipt).

Re-registration process

The documents required for the re-registration process are the same as for new registration.

The ESP is a rebate and once your rebate is exhausted you are liable for additional consumption. The ESP does not write off existing municipal services.

You must register on or before the 15th of the month to receive benefits in the next month. Failure to do so means benefits pass through will reflect in the subsequent month.

HAPPY: Jean Ross, one of the seniors who regularly attends the breakfasts.

Local centres where you can register for ESP

Eureka House, 92 corner Marlborough Street and Rosettenville Road, Springfield or South Rand Recreation Centre, corner Geneva and Outspan roads, South Hills.

“ESP queries can be lodged via telephone or email,” added Singo. Phone 011 407 6751/6688, 011 407 6435 or 011 407 6515. Email: / or

“The breakfast was sponsored by Spur and Sasol Columbine, thank you,” said Michelle Pelser, coordinator. “These people don’t always receive thanks for what they do in the community so a special thanks to my CPF team, Cindy Morujao, Joy Boswell and Julie Maule from Caxton. Carry on doing the sterling work you do,” Michelle added.

THANK YOU: Tino Singo, Sam Mto (manager Spur), Michelle Pelser, Nelly Sigenu (operator Spur), Michael Nkabinde (manager Spur) and Joy Boswell.

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