Free from drugs and happy

Follow the Institute on Facebook and Instagram for more information about their programmes or contact Deon on 073 843 1375, Shenaaz on 074 797 2437 or Ishaan on 061 201 1207.

RECOVERY Life Institute in Robertsham is working hard to rehabilitate and restore pride in people living with drug addiction.

Recently, there are three men who are proud to say they are clean thanks to the Institute.

Darion Adams (31), Azzam Mohamed (21) and Antonio Green (30) are great examples of what you can achieve if you are willing to get help.

After their successful journey and under the tutelage of management, Deon Kok and Shenaaz and Ishaan Khan, the trio is now out of the Institute.

They are all working at a company that promotes Wi-Fi and they are in leadership positions.

This is what they said about their journey to sobriety:

Darion Adams:

“My addiction lasted about eight years. I received deliverance from God last year. He has been amazing to my life because I have tried many ways to be saved. I am eight months sober. There are many despicable things I did like stealing from my loved ones to finance my addiction. I’m now saved from my addiction and that is why I always come back to the institution to help others. Just last week we moved to our own abode. God has blessed us. We had no strength, however, through Him we are strong.”

Azzam Mohamed:

“I have been an addict for a number of years. I come from a very stable and supportive family, however, when my mom and dad divorced I started to go astray. Though my mom and stepdad tried their best to help me, they couldn’t succeed. I have been to too many rehab centres, but in this one I found myself, who I am and I found out that God has a plan for me. Nine months in this world of sobriety feels great.”

Antonio Green:

“I am grateful for what God has done for me. I am over seven months being sober. Through God’s strength and my willingness, I am free from drugs. He answered my prayers and restored my life, especially with my children. I found peace, joy and hope. I am looking forward to 2018 to give back to the institution.”

They all encourage addicts to come and seek help at Recovery Life Institute at 2 Harry Street. Follow the Institute on Facebook and Instagram for more about their programmes or contact Deon on 073 843 1375, Shenaaz on 074 797 2437 or Ishaan on 061 201 1207.

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