First aid lesson

Guest speaker was paramedic, Chris Diedericker, from SOS Protec Sure emergency services, who chatted to the domestic workers about first aid and emergency treatments.

THE monthly Domestic Watch meeting, run by Michelle Pelser, from Mondeor SAPS Sector 2 CPF, highlighted the importance of knowing how to treat injuries before paramedics arrive on the scene.

Guest speaker was paramedic Chris Diedericker from SOS Protec Sure emergency services, who chatted to the domestic workers about first aid and emergency treatments.

He covered cuts, burns, both slight and serious and what to do in the event of these accidents, as well as car accident scenes and broken bones.

“If you are first at the scene of a car or taxi accident, before you help any injured person, secure the accident scene first, slowing down the traffic. Tell patients to lie still and keep calm and call an ambulance as quickly as possible. If any of the injured are bleeding, try and stop the flow of blood by using whatever you have available which is clean. You could even use a scarf or T-shirt to stop the flow,” said Diedericker.

He also said, “If someone has fallen and you think they may have broken an arm or a leg, try not to move the limb, as it could cause more damage.”

Diedericker advised domestics who call an ambulance to their place of work, to lock up any big dogs before the ambulance arrives. “As a paramedic arriving at the house and needing to gain access quickly to attend to a person with an injury, the dog won’t know us and this could lead to another injury,” he said.

Martin Barber from SOS Protec Sure also spoke to the domestics about crime issues, with Michelle adding, “Domestics are still being targeted and they should be more aware of who they let onto the property they are working at. Don’t let anyone in who doesn’t have correct identification documents and if you aren’t sure, phone your employee.”

The next meeting will take place at Sasol garage, corner Columbine Avenue and Swartgoud Street, Suideroord, on Tuesday, November 8 at 10:00. For more information, phone Michelle on 084 292 9144.

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