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Become aware of your own greatness

Awareness is the realisation that you have latent potential within you that depend entirely on your free will to unleash.

“Every human has four endowments: self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom. The power to choose, to respond, to change.” – Steven Covey

The first step to change is awareness and the second is acceptance. Awareness is the realisation of the difference between the old and the new; the good and the bad. It is this realisation that gives birth to something different in your life. This realisation leads to living a purposeful life. Let me hasten to say that living a purposeful life is what gives you freedom and peace of mind.

Awareness is the realisation that you have latent potential within you that depend entirely on your free will to unleash. No state, manager, organisation, spouse, church, etc can compel you to live your purpose and unleash those gifts and talents that are lying dormant within you. Awareness that the situation is not how you want it must not lead to complaining, blaming and criticising but instead to creativity and taking meaningful action.

At birth, you were fed all kinds of things, physically and mentally. This happened because you were incapable of feeding yourself. Now that you have grown so has your choices. Awareness that life is about expressing yourself not proving yourself to the world. Proving yourself is about conforming to what the world expects of you while expressing yourself is about doing what you want to do and unleashing your gifts and living your purpose by self-actualising. Awareness makes you accept yourself for who you are, it is accepting your uniqueness and specialness. It is accepting that you were created by God the way you are for a reason. It is accepting that your life is a gift from God and how you are living it should be a gift to Him.

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