Worries surrounding climate change

“The change in climate is having a dramatic affect in the world and we can already see physical changes in the environment."

AT the Woman@Work May meeting, guest speaker and international climate activist Catherine Constantinides highlighted the devastation being caused by climate change around the world.

“The change in climate is having a dramatic affect in the world and we can already see physical changes in the environment. We can no longer rely on regular rain patterns and farmers, both locally and internationally are being challenged to produce crops. Each person is reliant on a farmer, actually at every meal time.

“Tropical forests store massive amounts of carbon and when these areas are destroyed the carbon gets released into the atmosphere and accelerates climate change.

“Reducing global meat consumption will be critical in keeping global warming down. The livestock sector accounts for 15 per cent of global emissions. We must make a change in our eating patterns and eat healthier and consume less meat,” added Catherine.

The women at the meeting enjoyed the interesting talk and video showing, networking, enjoying a delicious dinner and also had the chance to browse and buy goods from the women who hosted tables.

The coordinator of Woman@Work, Toni Mackrell, thanked everyone for coming to the meeting and thanked Catherine for her valuable talk and video showing.


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