What does the word mom mean to you?

Love your mom as much as she loves you and spoil her with your love and attention.

Mom, a person who will go to the ends of the Earth for her children and will always put them before herself.

Mom, someone who is kind and caring and will always go the extra mile to be there for her children.

Mom, a loving figure who will look after her children when they are sick and watch over them until their health returns.

Mom, who will give the last tasty morsel to her children, rather than take it for herself.

Mom, she’ll always try to give her children everything she can, especially when they really want something she can’t afford. She’ll make a plan.

Mom, a person who will give advice and even though she wants to be cross if the child doesn’t take it, she will try not show how upset she is.

Mom, she will teach her children right from wrong, to show respect to elders and to be kind to younger children than themselves.

Mom, someone who wants better for her children than she had for herself and will try to make them realise hard work pays off.

Mom, who will like your friends when she’d rather you would find better.

Mom, who will hold you in her arms when you are heartbroken over a lost love.

Mom, she’ll treasure all your little gifts and cards you have made her over the years and keep them forever.

Mom, your best friend, always ready to listen and who will try not to judge.

This Mother’s Day, show your mom just how much you love and care for her.


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