Welcome to sector managers

Community: Be aware of who can assist you

MONDEOR SAPS introduces you to Sgt Andrew (Sector 1), Sgt Smith (Sector 2A) and Constable Makhubele (Sector 2B), all of them sector managers at Mondeor Police Station.

Sector managers are responsible for different sectors in the Mondeor Precinct and for assisting the community with issues concerning crime and attending crime forum meetings.

Sector 1 comprises the following suburbs: Glenanda, Mulbarton, Glenvista, Bassonia, Aspen Hills and Liefde en Vrede. Sgt Andrew can be contacted on 071 675 0777.

Sector 2A comprises the following suburbs: Meredale Extension 2, Alan Manor, Winchester Hills, Ridgeway, Suideroord and Mondeor. Sgt Smith can be contacted on 083 794 1728.

Sector 2B comprises the following suburbs: Southgate, Meredale, Comptonville and Naturena. Constable Makhubele can be contacted on 071 675 1114.

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