Wanted for murder

August Cloete is wanted for two counts of murder by Alberton SAPS.

ALBERTON SAPS have issued a warrant for the arrest of August Cloete who is suspected of shooting dead John Majola and Zodwa Nyalungu on October 6, 2014, in Pieter Uys Avenue, Alberton North.

SAPS members immediately arrested the suspect and followed the correct procedure by detaining him and forwarding the docket to the court while he was in detention.

Cloete was later granted bail after appearing in court twice during his stay in custody. He attended the proceedings seven times before he decided to move out of Alberton and also changed his contact numbers.

Several attempts have been made by the investigating officer, Detective Sergeant Zakwe, to locate him. A warrant of arrest has now been issued against him and he is considered a wanted person.

Anyone with any information on his whereabouts, may contact Zakwe on 011 865 7400 or 083 617 9037.

The police were not available to confirm the ages of the suspect as well as the victims.


Wanted for questioning

Wanted Suspects

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