Water wasted near Johannesburg Water office

A concerned resident reported the leak at the local water office but is disappointed that it has not been fixed, especially will water restrictions in place.

LITRES of water continue to go to waste as Johannesburg Water is yet to fix a water leak a mere 500m from their 91 Side Road office in Southdale.

Nelson Lopez from Alberton, who works at a business in the same street, said he is disappointed that despite having reported the leak at 80 Side Road on Tuesday, November 24, it still has not been repaired two days later.

“This is not a very good example Johannesburg Water is setting. We are living in a water scarce time and these people cannot

even fix a leak just outside their office. Yet they want people to stop wasting water and to use water wisely. I am very disappointed. I in fact went to their officers to report it and did not think of getting a reference number as the leak is just outside their office,” said Lopez.

After the COURIER visited the site more residents also phoned the COURIER complaining about the water leak.

The COURIER is following up with Johannesburg Water to find out what could be causing the delay in repairs.

Johannesburg Water Spokesperson this morning: “The leak has been attended to. They found that it was a leaking meter. JW would like to urge residents to remain active partners in reducing the amount of water used in the City of Johannesburg by reporting leaks when they see them so that we can attend to them speedily.

What do you think? Forward your reply to cvdwalt@caxton.co.za

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