Local boy can’t stop winning

Randall’s 33 certificates, two soccer and six athletics trophies have even impressed DA ward 157 Clr Faeeza Chame.

SOUTH HILLS –  Sports star, Randall Michael Leer (15), continues to rake in trophies and certificates for his achievements and hopes to see more youngsters participate in sporting activities.

After he was encouraged by his teachers to participate in athletics, the then 10-year-old learner decided to try-out for and join the Montanus Primary School athletics team. The teenager believes that young people’s participation in sporting activities keeps them away from mischief.

Randall’s 33 certificates, two soccer and six athletics trophies have even impressed DA ward 157 Clr Faeeza Chame.

“Finance is a big issue at the moment. If there is anyone or any organisations wishing to sponsor Randall’s sporting career, they are welcome to call me on 076 365 8205,” said Iris Leer, Randall’s mother.

Clr Chame can also be contacted on 082 5184 375 or faychame@hotmail.com

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