Going forward at Mall of the South

Mike Fontes, from Glenvista Community Forum, said he will make sure centre management is included in crime and safety meetings, which are held locally each week with SAPS.

ON Tuesday, October 13, a meeting took place at Mall of the South with various role players from the South.

SOJO’s CEO, Nicky Vakaloudis, organised and chaired the meeting which covered topics of concern surrounding the mall. Security matters were top of the list and, after the unfortunate armed robbery the previous day, discussed at length.

“We are highly delighted to have the Mall of the South within our catchment area and we want to bring visitors here, not chase them away. There have been quite a lot of issues about the safety at the mall, which are now highlighted after the robbery took place yesterday. Is there sufficient security both inside and outside the mall?” asked Vakaloudis.

Hester Smith, Mall of the South centre manager, said a lot of untruths are being told on Facebook which is causing customers to panic about security measures inside and outside the mall. “We are satisfied our security and technology related to the safety of our customers is comprehensively provided for.”

Mike Fontes, from Glenvista Community Forum, said he will make sure centre management is included in crime and safety meetings, which are held locally each week with SAPS.

Other issues discussed included safety measures for pedestrians and cyclists outside the mall, taxi rank and bus stop availability, all matters relating to cleaning on the periphery of the mall, adequate dustbins outside the mall, removal of vagrants and squatters in adjacent open spaces, as well as addressing road signage and traffic lights and traffic congestion.

According to Lawrence Joubert (Zenprop, director retail), stands for cyclists will be available shortly. “As far as the taxi drop-off and bus stop availability, we are currently dealing with local authorities so the correct taxi organisation will receive a permit for a taxi drop-off point. The drop-off point is completed but won’t be available until a permit has been granted,” said Joubert.

Vakaloudis added: “SOJO is currently cleaning the periphery areas of the mall and will continue with this until other measures take place. We have applied for dustbins and we will contact Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) for more road signage.”

The sequence of the new traffic lights on Swartkoppies Road was also addressed and Raj Naidoo, chair of Community Forum Liefde en Vrede, will be contacting the correct authorities to have the synchronisation re-set. “This should alleviate the back-up of motorists at peak times,” said Naidoo.

In conclusion, all parties look forward to good relationships with the Mall of the South and endeavour to make it succeed.

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