Maintain your financial independence when fighting breast cancer

Standard Bank has designed the Cancer Care Plan to pay out a significant sum on diagnosis, giving the patient major financial relief and enabling them and their family to focus on their health.

BREAST cancer is prevalent in countries around the world and, unfortunately, South Africa is no different.  According to statistics, one in 29 women in our country will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, and the number of cases is expected to rise by 78 per cent by 2030.

“The point of this information being made public is not to promote a culture of fear, but rather one of proactive preparedness,” says Tetiwe Jawuna, Head of Standard Bank Insurance Brokers (SBIS), South Africa.

“Being aware of the symptoms and financial solutions available empowers women to take control of their health and finances,” Ms Jawuna says “If detected early, breast cancer is treatable. However, conventional treatment with chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or a combination of these is expensive.

“A cancer diagnosis also triggers other financial pressures; as a result people need time off work to undergo treatment, or additional caregivers for themselves or for their children.”

Furthermore, many women explore natural or complementary options in addition to conventional treatment.

“Such research takes time, requiring normal activities to be put on hold, and this usually has financial implications,” says Ms. Jawuna. “Insurance that pays out on diagnosis allows you to manage your healthcare and lifestyle choices without worrying about the financial implications.”

Because the incidence of breast cancer is high, many women now choose insurance specifically designed to cover it. Standard Bank’s breast cancer policy and the Cancer Care Plan, has been bought by almost 9000 customers since January last year.

“These numbers show that breast cancer diagnoses remain high, and these have long-term work and financial implications for both the patient and their families,” says Ms. Jawuna. “Worrying about finances should be the least of your concern at such a time – it’s always easier to manage ill health when you know you are financially covered.”

Standard Bank has designed the Cancer Care Plan to pay out a significant sum on diagnosis, giving the patient major financial relief and enabling them and their family to focus on their health.

“In addition, the policies make a contribution to the costs of surgery, should the customer choose to have it, as well as six months of recovery from whatever treatment is selected,” says Mrs. Jawuna Payouts are made directly to the policyholder – not to medical institutions – within the first 12 months after the diagnosis, so the customer has full control of where the insurance money is spent. The amount for surgery is paid out only if the customer chooses to undergo a partial or whole mastectomy.

“This flexibility is an integral factor of Plan, as it means that our customers have the ability to choose what they want to do,” concludes Mrs Jawuna   “A cancer diagnosis can make a person feel bewildered and afraid, so it’s important for us to allow customers the opportunity to still be in control.”


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