Keep the South Hills clean

Concerned resident try to clean up the area but it gets worse soon after people start dumping again.

A CONCERNED resident of the South Hills, Trevor Watson, is urging all the people dumping waste into the skip bins near Witelbos and Millwood flats to dump responsibly.

The skips are overflows with waste because they are accessibly to many people, even those who work at neighbouring firms, making their capacity insufficient to contain all the waste before it is collected by Pikitup.

Trevor, and some of his neighbours, clean the area on Saturdays to preserve a healthy environment but their efforts are in vain because of the lack of communication and understanding between those using the bins.

“People from around South Hills and the factories come and dump their rubble, old carpets and old furniture into these bins. We do not have any control anymore. I cannot even keep track of how many times we cleaned the area. It normally takes us between five to six hours,” said Trevor.

The stink and mess makes it unbearable for residents.

Trevor said he once caught a snake in the area because of the filth.

“We have met with the Housing Department‘s manager, Mr Isak, who informed me that Pikitup only empties the skip bins. The waste around the bins and on the premises needs to be attended to by Housing Management. Maybe the ward councillor should call a meeting with residents and arrange for some environmental education,” said Trevor.

He was also informed that Mr Isak is working on a plan to ensure that the problem will be attended to soon.

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