15 years living in an open garage

People hardly noticed the elderly man was homeless for a decade and a half.

SOUTH HILLS – For the past 15 years Clive Grunewald (64) have been living in an open garage, with little protection against the elements surviving on his meagre state pension.

Ward 57 DA Councillor Faeeza Chame learned about the pensioner and his living conditions and notified the COURIER. What unfolded in the visit to Grunewald’s living quarters was a heartbreaking story of an old man making due with the little he has with only one wish – a proper place to stay.

Unlike many homeless people, Clive is an elderly citizen and does not beg on the streets, but actually survives on his pension salary. He said he has been been waiting for a place to stay in one of the Joburg South’s old age homes since 2013, but has not been contacted.

South Hills’ Grunewald told sad stories about how he and his two younger roommates have become used to surviving cold winters and heavy rain, living between palisade fencing and a wall, which leaves enough space for an adult to simply walk through. It is a playground for wicked winds where blankets hanging from the fencing provide the only protection against winter winds and summer or winter rains.

No cooking takes place in this open garage. Clive and his roommates have to buy cheap, ready-cooked meals at the local shops, or sometimes, like the day of the visit, a good Samaritan will deliver a loaf of bread.

Clive’s personality is quite unique for a homeless man. He does not pity himself and he is a very positive person. He bravely tells stories about his struggles and how people in the neighbourhood often give him something to eat. His breaking point only came when he shed tears of relief as Cllr Faeeza promised that she will personally see to it that she finds him and his roommates decent shelter.

When the councillor asked Clive how is it that his situation was not heard of for so long, Clive simply replied that she was actually the first public servant to learn of his situation, and that it must be because he never gets sick, therefore never goes to the clinic, where they would obviously ask for an address.

All parties wishing to help can contact Cllr Faeeza on 082 5184 375 and view the interview video on the COURIER’s website or Facebook page.

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