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Don’t become an accomplice to crime

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – AT the April Domestic Watch meeting, coordinated by Michelle Pelser (Mondeor Community Policing Forum), Martin Barber from SOS Security spoke to the domestic workers about several ways you could become a criminal! “If it sounds to be good to be true, it probably is!” Barber said. “If stolen goods are found in …

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – AT the April Domestic Watch meeting, coordinated by Michelle Pelser (Mondeor Community Policing Forum), Martin Barber from SOS Security spoke to the domestic workers about several ways you could become a criminal!

“If it sounds to be good to be true, it probably is!” Barber said. “If stolen goods are found in your possession or just on your property you could be implicated in a crime, or thought to be involved in criminal activity. You may have to face the consequences, even if you had nothing to do with the crime.

“Stolen goods can come from anywhere. They could have been stolen from a home or a business, a factory, a retailer or a person in the street. If a family member suddenly has clothes, electronic equipment or a lot of money to spend and you know they are not permanently employed or their income is not enough to spend money on luxury goods, start asking questions and investigate,” he added.

If you are suspicious, call your security company to investigate for you or your Sector Manager in the police to assist.

Don’t talk to unqualified people or anyone outside your household. If criminals who are hiding stolen goods in a property in your suburb discover that you are reporting the matter, you could be putting your life in danger.

The meeting was well attended, not only by domestic workers, but also by representatives from Mondeor SAPS, SOS Security and Mondeor Community Policing Forum.

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