Help for substance abuse

Are you or a family member a victim of substance abuse? Help is on the way. Contact one of these groups to get the support you need.

JOHANNESBURG – The South offers a host of support groups for persons suffering from any addiction.

Narcotics Anonymous meets six times a week in the South, contact them at 083 900 6962 ( NA supports people that suffer from drug addictions.

There is one Naranon meeting a week for family and friends in the South to offer support for families who have loved ones suffering from addiction. Contact Naranon on 088 129 6791 (

Tough Love, a self-help family support group programme meets three times a week in the South; 0861 868 445 (

There are 17 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings a week in the South. AA supports people who suffer from alcohol addiction. Contact 0861 435 722 (www.

Alanon, a support group for people who have loved ones suffering from alcohol addiction hosts three meetings per week for family and friends in the South; 0861 25 26 66 ( If you are a family member or friend of someone in this predicament, contact one the support groups today and take the first step in breaking the destructive cycle of addiction.

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